Now Open! Come out and enjoy the Tanglefoot Trail!

Welcome from Chickasaw Development Foundation, City of Houston, Town of New Houlka, Chickasaw County, and GM&O Rails to Trails Recreational District Local Representatives!

We join together to welcome you to the Tanglefoot Trail, Mississippi’s longest Rails to Trails conversion meandering 43.6 miles through the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the Mississippi Hills National Heritage Area. It is here you will experience a bit of our history as you pass through fields, forests, meadows and wetlands while you travel down the path of the Chickasaws and Meriwether Lewis, or the railroad built by Col. William C. Falkner, great-grandfather of Nobel Prize winning author William Faulkner.

You’re sure to enjoy Houston, Mississippi at the beginning of the trail and New Houlka, Algoma, Pontotoc, Ecru, Ingomar and New Albany at the northern end. Each of these cities and communities provide unique characteristics. We look forward to having you visit, and hope you’ll come back often.


  • John Walden, Chairman
  • Jason Brooks, Vice-Chairman
  • Joyce East, Executive Director
  • Betty Holder
  • Rayburn Parks
  • Talitha Hudson
  • Bob Pearson
  • Judy McQuary
  • Rex F. Sanderson
  • Mayor Stacey W. Parker and Houston Board of Aldermen
  • Mayor Jimmy Kelley and New Houlka Board of Aldermen
  • Board of Supervisor President Anderson McFarland and Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors
  • Lee Nabors, Houston Representative, GM&O Recreational District
  • Janie Tutor, New Houlka Representative, GM&O Recreational District
  • Joyce East, Chickasaw County Representative/Vice-Chairman, GM&O Recreational District
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